Sunday, May 10, 2020

Foxglove Tree

 Paulownia Tomentosa 

(Empress Tree, Princess Tree, Foxglove Tree)

This was planted as a small sapling and grew into a really amazing bush with the most humongous leaves I’ve ever seen! Honestly speaking I knew nothing about it except that in its native to China.
It grew and grew, and after 7 years suddenly before the leaves even started to appear, a mass of lilac flowers appeared! It is without doubt a stunning tree and a beautifully shady tree in full leaf but trust me when I say...this tree is big and it’s roots will emerge lifting slabs. 
Having said all that... I love it, and it is the focal point in an otherwise normal garden.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Geum ‘Mrs Bradshaw’

Geum chiloense

Another new arrival for my garden this year is this pretty Geum it’s a clump forming perennial... if you find that confusing it simply means it comes back every year. These are the type of plants I like I don’t have time or space to overwinter plants and mess with annual bedding plants.
These come in many varieties and colours, this is Mrs Bradshaw a burnt orange colour.

*click the image for a larger image*

Friday, May 1, 2020

Shrub Rose Penelope

Rosacea (Rosa) Hybrid Musk 

This rose is so pretty and smells amazing!
It was originally bred in the U.K. by the Rev. Joseph Pemberton around 1924 it’s a beautiful hybrid shrub rose.
I’ve just purchased and wanted to get some quick photos before I plant it, and as soon as it sits in its new home in my garden I will be photographing this a lot more!

*click the images for a larger view*

Creative Cottage Garden Geranium

Geranium x Oxonianianum Wargrave Pink It’s important to me to use my creative side, and very much I lean toward post processing images to gi...